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The following assignments are included in this semester. A complete breakdown of all assignments and their possible points will be covered during the Assignment Calendar Assignment in the Welcome Unit.


Unit Name Points Possible Assignment Summary
Welcome 150 Introduce yourself to the class through a class Wiki.
Create a Calendar of all Assignments and exactly on what date they are each due.
Scavenger Hunt tour of the course, policies, and procedures.
Welcome Call and Email to your instructor.
The Computer System 320 Practice Activities
Photo Story project showing items run by computers
Programming Language/Number Systems challenge
Networking Troubleshooting Activity
Vocabulary quiz
Unit Review
Unit Test
Input, Output and Processing 281 Practice Activities
Input Devices discussion board
Input/Output Movie
Vocabulary quiz
Unit Review
Unit Test
The Operating System 430 Practice Activities
Presentation about an important person the in development of Computer Operating Systems
Discussion on Emerging Technology
Unit Review
Unit Test
The Internet 242 Practice Activities
URL Activity
Validity Assignment
Unethical Practices Activity
Unit Review
Unit Test
Web Design 135 Web Design/Font Activity
Group Private Journal
Group Blog
Group Web Site
Final Exam 300 Final Unit Review
Final Exam
Attendance 100

Attendance will be monitored and reported on all progress reports throughout the session. Students are expected to log in to the course on a regular basis. Total Activity will be calculated based on total of daily Activity that is reported by BlackBoard. This activity score will be worth 100 points.

Total 1926 The following scale is used for a % grade based on Total Points Calculating:
1724-1926 = A
1531-1723 = B
1435-1530 = C
1339-1434 = D
below 1338 = F