The following assignments are included in this semester. A complete breakdown of all assignments and their possible points will be covered during the Assignment Calendar Assignment in the Welcome Unit.
Unit Name | Points Possible | Assignment Summary |
Welcome | 150 | Introduce yourself to the class through a class Wiki. Create a Calendar of all Assignments and exactly on what date they are each due. Scavenger Hunt tour of the course, policies, and procedures. Welcome Call and Email to your instructor. |
The Computer System | 320 | Practice Activities Photo Story project showing items run by computers Programming Language/Number Systems challenge Networking Troubleshooting Activity Vocabulary quiz Unit Review Unit Test |
Input, Output and Processing | 281 | Practice Activities Input Devices discussion board Input/Output Movie Vocabulary quiz Unit Review Unit Test |
The Operating System | 430 | Practice Activities Presentation about an important person the in development of Computer Operating Systems Discussion on Emerging Technology Unit Review Unit Test |
The Internet | 242 | Practice Activities URL Activity Validity Assignment Unethical Practices Activity Unit Review Unit Test |
Web Design | 135 | Web Design/Font Activity Group Private Journal Group Blog Group Web Site |
Final Exam | 300 | Final Unit Review Final Exam |
Attendance | 100 |
Attendance will be monitored and reported on all progress reports throughout the session. Students are expected to log in to the course on a regular basis. Total Activity will be calculated based on total of daily Activity that is reported by BlackBoard. This activity score will be worth 100 points. |
Total | 1926 | The following scale is used for a % grade based on Total Points Calculating: 1724-1926 = A 1531-1723 = B 1435-1530 = C 1339-1434 = D below 1338 = F |