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The following assignments are included in this semester. A complete breakdown of all assignments and their possible points will be covered during the Assignment Calendar Assignment in the Welcome Unit.


Unit Name Points Possible Assignment Summary
Welcome 140
  • Introduce yourself to the class through a Glog. Post it to the Welcome Board.
  • Create a Calendar of all Assignments and exactly on what date they are each due.
  • Scavenger Hunt tour of the course, policies and procedures.
  • Welcome Call and Email to your instructor.
Word Processing 498
  • Practice Activities over Word Processing terminology.
  • Word Processing Journal over how to use your word processing program.
  • Assignment on editing a document by formatting proper pagination, headers/footers, margins, and fonts.
  • Assignment on creating a Professional Letter using advanced word processing features.
  • Assignment to format a Research Paper.
  • Assignment allowing the student to pick from a list of Desktop Publishing activities to create.
Spreadsheets 354
  • Practice Activities over Spreadsheet terminology.
  • Spreadsheet Journal over how to use your spreadsheet program.
  • Quiz over moving around the spreadsheet.
  • Assignment on formatting the spreadsheet.
  • Assignment on applying filters to the sheet.
  • Assignment on creating formulas to calculate answers.
  • Assignment on analyzing data by creating a chart.
Database 435
  • Practice Activities over Database terminology.
  • Journal activities containing some of the results from working through the Base Tutorials
  • Assignment on creating a table.
  • Assignment on creating a form for your mlbDatabase.
  • Assignment on building several queries to run advanced searches and filters on large amounts of data.
  • Assignment on relational databases and finishing all elements of the mlbDatabase used in the unit tutorials.
Presentations 401
  • Practice activities over Presentation terminology.
  • Assignment on creating a Prezi presentation over tips for creating effective slide-based presentations.
  • Assignment on an Impress Presentation over the New 7 Wonders of the World.
  • Assignment on a presentation about you. Peer Evaluations will be used in this Assignment.
Capstone Project 300
  • Final project proposal
  • Final project timeline for creating all elements for the capstone project.
  • Help Board where students can help each other through the creation of all the items.
  • Final Project presented in a Portfolio.
  • The Project Assessment form is where students will self-assess their final project based on required elements.
Attendance 100
  • Attendance will be monitored and reported on all progress reports throughout the session. Students are expected to log in to the course on a regular basis. Total Activity will be calculated based on total of daily Activity that is reported by BlackBoard. This activity score will be worth 100 points.
Total 2228 The following scale is used for a % grade based on Total Points Calculating:
  • 1994-2228 = A
  • 1771-1993 = B
  • 1660-1770 = C
  • 1548-1659 = D
  • below 1547 = F